Thursday, May 3, 2012


After our AWOL (Artist’s Way of Life) or Pen Women meetings, Kris and I are usually too wound up to go straight home.  That’s when we go: “Field trip?”  The answer is usually: “Why not.”  We get into the Beetle and let her decide where to go.

This time she nosed out to Nimitz Boulevard and onward to Sand Island.  Hmm, what’s at Sand Island other than the (rather unattractive) park?  Piano bar at Mariana’s?  Never been there.  Kris has, but she doesn’t remember how to get there and Beetle has no GPS.  Well, we can’t find it, so we turn back to Nimitz.  But just before we reach it, Beetle suddenly turns left onto a definitely uninteresting street.  The road bends right and shortly ends into a gravel road.  A sign on the fence warns us that this is private property.  Kris is ready to turn around, but I make her stay on it and see where Beetle is leading us.  We pass a holding area for Roberts’ yellow school buses and then I see a series of gigantic metal arms reaching for the sky…  

We’re in heavy equipment paradise!  
 My fetish kicks in and I indulge in some serious picture taking.   

Thank you Bob’s Equipment!  I need a cigarette now… 

Don’t ask me how, but it starts me thinking about William Levy.  I may be old but my brain is still wired between 25 and 35.  If you don’t know who William Levy is, watch him move on Dancing With The Stars.  Oh thank you, God...  
For heavy equipment…  
I don’t know what I'm saying.

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